One More Time

Anneliese Fox
3 min readJun 10, 2022

Trying to stay Covid free

image of rocky riverbed
Rocks probably love global warming — photo by author

I got my second Covid booster yesterday. I spent today in bed. It would be nice if the vaccine didn’t hit me so hard, but oh, well.

It’s better than the alternative.

So far, to my knowledge, I haven’t been exposed to the Covid virus. I’ve been careful. I’ve been lucky. My husband’s health puts him in a high risk category. We are both over sixty-five.

It is probably a matter of time until one of us gets it. I am counting on vaccines to minimize the intensity of the disease. I am hoping that the medical treatments available when we do get exposed protect us from long Covid and other serious effects. In an uncertain world, I don’t know what more to do.

I’ve a bag of uncertainties these days. So many things appear to be on the brink of collapse: the environment, energy, the economy, governments, health care. So many of the big things we like to take for granted. In truth, it’s hard not to assume things will proceed as they always have. It’s the way we are wired.

Mother Nature engineered us to be greedy. It’s a useful survival strategy. Unfortunately, these days, what that boils down to is that those who are most successful at being greedy are consolidating more resources than they will ever need at the expense of everyone else.



Anneliese Fox

Writer of speculative fiction, programmer, artist in wood and clay, owner of Fox Computer Systems. My almost weekly blog follows what interests me at the moment